SVSG Privacy Policy


At SVSG we are committed to balancing the exchange of information, protecting your privacy, and ensuring the confidentiality and security of our members and their personal and sensitive information. This policy outlines the measures SVSG will adhere to in order to safeguard the data of our members as well as their personal information across all electronic platforms, including but not limited to Google Workspace, Slack and LinkedIn.  This document also includes best practices for all SVSG members to follow, to help ensure the continued security and confidentiality of our collective information.  


Access and Collection of Personal Identifiable Information (PII) 

At SVSG, access to member’s Personally Identifiable Information (PII) is restricted to SVSG leadership and it is used for official SVSG business purposes only.  This information may include name, email address, phone number, job title and company name.  SVSG only collects and retains information that is necessary to provide our services which are internal to SVSG. SVSG will never sell or share this information with any third parties without the member’s expressed, written, and explicit consent.  

In some instances such as sponsored events, we may be asked to share your contact information with a company sponsoring an SVSG event. SVSG will always request that SVSG members can opt-in or opt-out from any form of communication from third parties, to include sales and marketing material originating from organizations sponsoring SVSG events.  

We take your privacy seriously, and we are committed to being transparent about how we handle your PII.  If you have any concerns or questions regarding the handling of your PII, you are fully encouraged to contact a member of SVSG’s leadership team at any time. 


SVSG Systems and Platforms 

At SVSG, we use Google Workspace for all SVSG work. Dedicated business email addresses and a single cloud repository allows us to maintain strict controls over who can access SVSG information. This system allows us to conduct audits as well as to access and remove all data from account users. Using official SVSG accounts is a requirement for anyone using or accessing SVSG member’s PII. 

The only exception to this may be members who are supporting an SVSG program or project (e.g. event, membership) temporarily who may have limited access to some of this information.  In such instances, we take every precaution to ensure that the temporary access is strictly necessary and that the member follows all SVSG policies and guidelines to protect the confidentiality and security of all of our member’s data.  


How do we use your personal information?

We only use SVSG information for official SVSG purposes, which may include:


      1. SVSG event planning.  We may use members’ information to plan and organize SVSG events and other related activities.  This may include sending invitations, tracking RSVP’s, and communicating important details related to the event. 

      1. To provide our services and communicate with members regarding their account status, notifications and other relevant information.  This may include sending updates, and other communications related to SVSG activities. 

      1. To personalize member experience and provide relevant content and information.  This may include tailoring communications of their interests, preferences, and engagement with SVSG.  

      1. Your personal information (such as employment desires, area of specialization, and current job role) may be used to link up SVSG members who may be able to support one another professionally. 


    Keeping SVSG Information Private 

    As SVSG, we believe that protecting the privacy and security of our members is a responsibility that falls on everyone involved in our community. Although SVSG uses third party platforms, we believe that keeping our members and their information safe is paramount to the success of this community. 

    As such, SVSG members are prohibited from:


        1. Taking or repurposing SVSG content, including information contained in Slack, email or any other internal communication, and sharing it outside of the SVSG group.  We take the confidentiality of our discussions and communications seriously and expect our members to do the same. 

        1. Posting information that may be sensitive or considered company confidential or proprietary.  This includes any data that could be harmful to individuals or organizations. 

        1. Sharing information or messages from other SVSG members without their explicit consent.  We respect our members’ privacy and expect others to do the same. 

        1. Re-sharing information on SVSG events, as these events are for members  and their guests only.  Guests are individuals who have submitted the SVSG interest form and are in the process for membership.  Exceptions to this rule are for approved companies sponsoring events.  SVSG reserves the right to adjust this policy on a case-by-case basis. 

      We want our members to be confident that their information is being handled with the utmost care and security.  To that end: 


          • SVSG will never sell or share your information to third parties without your consent. 

          • We do not retain any PII from prospective members or other individuals that submitted an interest form but never became SVSG members.

          • We do not retain PII from former SVSG members.

          • We do not retain mailing addresses and any other identifiable information from past members.

          • SVSG Members who willfully violate this policy may be removed from SVSG. 


        SVSG Events and Media 

        Unless explicitly described as an event open to the public, all SVSG events (in-person and virtual) are exclusively for SVSG members and their guests.  While we encourage members to repost SVSG announcements about events and invite their friends and colleagues to join SVSG, we ask that members do not share any specific information about our events with non-members or on social media platforms.  


            • All SVSG members and those attending SVSG events understand that our marketing campaigns may include photos and videos of the events of our members, locations and other information related to the event.


          Slack Recommendations

          The use of SVSG Slack is voluntary. We strongly encourage you to review Slack Terms of Service and other relevant policies. 

          SVSG Slack exists to facilitate the connection, communication and exchange of information between SVSG members. This tool has been particularly helpful to remote members.  SVSG Slack is available to SVSG members only. 

          Although we trust our members, SVSG cannot prevent negligent or accidental acts from happening. We recommend that you treat any information on Slack as if it was accessible and viewable to the general public. 


              1. We strongly recommend that you have a profile photo with a picture of yourself

              1. Your name should reflect the name you submitted during the application process.  Aliases are not allowed.

              1. Your email address should match the email address we have on file. 

            We may update this privacy policy from time to time to reflect changes in our services or regulatory requirements.  We encourage members to review this policy periodically for any updates or changes.  We will do our best to communicate any updates, but it is your responsibility to stay up to date. 

            If you have any questions or concerns regarding our privacy policy or the protection of your personal information, please contact us at

            By using SVSG Slack and LinkedIn accounts, members agree to the terms of this privacy policy and the collection, use, and disclosure of their personal information as outlined herein.  


            Enforcement of Guidelines 

            Enforcing these guidelines and policies is crucial for maintaining the safety and security of our community.  Violation of these guidelines may result in your removal from SVSG.  We take the protection and privacy of our members very seriously and will not tolerate any behavior that undermines these values.  

            We want to thank you for respecting and following these guidelines so that we can maintain the integrity and trust of our community.