Security Innovation


Innovation is in our DNA. We want to bring the best and the brightest to you. Pitch Day is how we surface security startups and top companies and bring them to you through demos and other events.

Pitch Day is our “Shark Tank” event: A live event where security startups and early ventures showcase their ideas to gain insights and feedback from forward-looking security practitioners, founders, creators and business experts.


We bring the most innovative security companies and early ventures to showcase their products and services. 


We’d like everyone to have access to the latest technologies, products and services. Demo Day is a virtual event where you can learn and see the latest developments in the industry. 

Demo Day is an opportunity for established companies that already have commercialized their products or service to present their offering to an SVSG virtual audience

Our Startup Advisors

Our Pitch Day team has a wealth of expertise and knowledge in entrepreneurship, startups, design and business. 

Pitch Day participants will have unparalleled access to industry experts.

Ricardo Segovia

Founder & Innovation Coach

Ryan Schonfeld

CEO HiveWatch

Cory Siskind

CEO Base Operations

Laura Thompson

Entrepreneur, Google Ventures, Google[X]

Abhijit Thosar

Head of Research & Design, Amazon

David Niccolini

Founder x4, Partner Evidencity

Ali Al Jabri

CEO Kwema

Pitch Today!

If you are a founder and want to your company featured in Pitch Day, please submit the interest form below

Startups We've Featured

Project Gravity

SVSG Connect!

We have built SVSG so all of our members can connect and interact. Our community uses Slack and LinkedIn to exchange information and resources in real time.

From events to benchmarking, we’ve got it covered. You’ll be able to search and reach out to other community members.