A Security Community

The Silicon Valley Security Group is a 501c3 nonprofit organization. We exist to provide education, professional development, strengthen social bonds, foster innovation, and help one another in times of need. We are united by a shared vision and goal of creating a new kind of security community – your role, company, certifications, degrees, and titles are irrelevant to us. Instead, we leverage collective knowledge and diverse backgrounds and experiences to shape the future of the security industry.

Our Vision

We aspire to become the first community for security professionals and businesses that provide a social platform for education, innovation, representation and assistance in times of need.

Our Mission

We strive to challenge the status quo by building the best-in-class organization that offers the strongest and most inspiring professional community through professional development, events, personal assistance, and the promotion of innovation, diversity and inclusion across the industry.

Active Global Members

Our Partners

The SVSG Experience

Helping One Another

Helping one another is at the core of who we are. SVSG is a community of friends and colleagues.


We embrace ideas, rapid iteration, experimentation and learning through failure. We build the future of the industry.

Professional Development

Whether it is professional or personal development, we offer a broad range of relevant topics help our community be at the vanguard.


We can't wait to build the future of security communities with you